New homemade office desk

New homemade office desk

One more homemade work, this time an office desk.

After searching for a long corner desk, I haven't found anything that could accommodate a gaming/leisure space with a working area. The objective is to have a desk that I can use to game a little, work on my blog, and also have extra space to test new things and basically just have that extra to do whatever I want.

So this is the change


And the layout could not be simpler

The required materials

The process was easy, all the prices here are the ones at the time of buying and may change over time

Varnish (8.29 € link)

Wood hardener (22.99 € link)

Two wood panels (total of 109,98 € link), I focused on wood panels with a profile of around 3cm.

And four trestles (total of 39,96 € link)

The total cost of this was around 181,22€ plus diluent to clean the used pencils, the pencils themselves, etc... I would say that with 200€ it's possible to buy all the materials plus the required equipment to build the project which is way less than the money needed to buy a table with this size.

The process

I then started by adding a layer of wood hardener on both sides of the wood panels, waiting for it to dry off for at least 2 hours before applying on the other side.

After that, I added 3 layers of varnish on each side of the wood panels, since the varnish I've chosen was transparent it did not change the color of the wood, making it only a little brighter.

In the end, to improve the table resistance over time, I had some spare wood plank from another project and I decided to use it on the bottom of the big panel to improve the support where the monitors would stand.

I also took the opportunity to add 2 layers of varnish to each trestle, just to make them match the same brightness from the table.

The montage

I think the final product is great, and I definitely have all the space I need.

There are some improvements that I want to make in the future, one of them would be to secure the trestles into place of course, but for now, the table is already too heavy for someone to move a trestle by mistake, and the other one would be to add some light around the back of the table, it would create a really cool environment and just enough light to work during the dark hours.

I also need to do something regarding the big white wall, but that will be for another time.